Uvumbuzi Press team

Mid-September this year, we headed down to the Mara on an amazing discovery journey. As is our tradition, we met with a group of enthusiastic young men and women from Ai Tong town in Mara North Conservancy and had an interesting chat about their conservation experiences and thoughts on how we can all play a role in Kenyan and African conservation. 

Accompanying us was none other than Kenya’s top pop, hip-hop and R&B artist, Nyashinski. The Malaika singer was fascinated by the beauty of nature in the expansive Maasai Mara, the sounds of the chirping birds, the beautiful sunrise and the clean and fresh air.

“We’ve been enjoying his songs… we are so excited to meet Nyashinski in person,” said Bradley Yatawokidai, a ranger in the reserve.

“I’ve had the best experience waking up to the beautiful sunrise, chirping birds and wonderful views,” Nyashinski said. Adorned in Maasai regalia, the musician appreciated the reception and hospitality accorded to him and the team by the community.

“It’s fantastic that we have Kenyan youth who are engaging more and more in conservation because that’s the future for conservation in Kenya,” said Marc Goss, CEO, Mara Elephant Project.